Boating Safety Tips

For many, warmer weather brings one thing to mind - BOATING!
Looking at the summer ahead, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, consumer spending on boats is up for the sixth straight year, which means there will likely be more traffic on the water. Regardless of how long you've been boating, it's always good to refresh your mind with the basics at the beginning of each season.
Before you go out on the water this year, perform these steps to protect yourself, your passengers, and your boat:
- Familiarize yourself with your boat’s navigation and safety equipment.
- Always navigate within marked channels to avoid running aground or hitting submerged objects near the shoreline.
- Stay alert when approaching objects such as mooring fields, navigational buoys and marine traps set in the water. Be aware that after a storm, high tides may have carried debris into the water.
- If a storm is approaching, if at all possible, haul out your vessel and remove objects that could become airborne.
Lastly, before you take your boat out this season, remember to review your boaters coverage, and talk to your local IMT Agent to ensure you are covered properly.