Rental Cars, Are You Covered?

Are you planning a summer road trip and you do not want to rack up the miles on your vehicle? The last thing you want to worry about is if your rental car is covered and paying for the extra insurance charges. With IMT your policy may cover you!
As long as you have “Other than Collision” (Comprehensive) or Collision coverage on one vehicle on your policy then your rental car is covered by IMT. In the event of a loss the deductible is waived and IMT agrees to pay the full “loss of use” for the rental vehicle.
The rental car coverage extends to the policy territory which includes the United States and its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
Rental cars on a Minnesota policy are always covered as long as you have liability coverage on your vehicle. Minnesota does not require comprehensive or collision coverage like the remaining 5 states.
- Take your Vehicle ID Cards with you when you get in a rental car.
- Take photos of the vehicle prior to driving away with it. This would help you prove any existing damages that the rental car company may claim happened while you had the vehicle.
- Make sure you list all drivers on the contract that may drive the vehicle.