Pool Operation Safety

Summer is rapidly approaching, and with that, comes swimming pool weather! Is your public pool ready for swimmers? Below is a quick highlight of some of the public pool requirements in your state!
- All swimming pools in the United States are required to have drains equipped with anti-entrapment drain covers and devices.
- All pools should be enclosed by a fence that has self-closing and self-latching gates. All fencing has to be designed to prevent climbing. Fence height and construction varies by state.
- Iowa: Fencing has to be at least 4 feet high, made of durable materials, and void of openings that are 4 inches or larger in diameter
- Illinois: Fencing has to be at least 4 feet high, does not have a vertical clearance beneath the bottom of the barrier greater than 4 inches and is void of openings that are 4 inches in height or width.
- Wisconsin: Fencing has to be at least 5 feet high, should not be more than 4 inches above grade, not have openings larger than 4 inches in diameter and should have a lockable closure mechanism that is at least 4.5 feet from the bottom of the gate.
- Minnesota: Fencing has to be at least 5 feet high, not have openings greater than 4 inches, latches must be at least 4 feet above ground and should not have more than a 2 inch opening between the fence and the ground.
- Nebraska: Fencing has to be at least 6 feet high, have no openings larger than 3 inches in any direction, and dwellings or other buildings may be used as part of the enclosure.
- South Dakota: Swimming pools are not regulated by the state.
- The decking surrounding the pool should be kept in good condition with maintained slip-resistant and free of liter, obstructions and tripping hazards.
- Lifeguards are required if the pool is open to the public. Required lifeguards should be certified by a reputable lifesaving certification organization.
- The electrical service in the pool area should be GFCI protected.
- Manufacturer labels must remain on chemical containers and cannot be defaced. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that come with the chemicals should be kept and readily available.
- OSHA standards require that an eye wash station must be placed within a 10-second walking distance of corrosive chemicals .
- Pools are required to have certified pool operators to run the pool in: Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois. Pools are not regulated by the State in South Dakota.
You can find a list of your state’s swimming pool requirements through your Department of Public Health site!
For additional information, please contact the IMT Loss Control Department. The IMT Loss Control Department has resources available to help our agents and insureds in their efforts to reduce exposures and injuries while promoting safety at the workplace and in the home. Please contact our office if you have an insured you think could benefit from additional information or a loss control visit.