Distracted Teen Driver Crashes Spike in the Summer

Teen distracted driver crashes skyrocket in the summertime. Here are a few topics you can cover while talking to your teen about safe driving habits:
- Avoid distracted driving. Implore your teen to make a pledge with his or her friends so that no one texts or uses their phone while driving. PCI also suggests asking your teen to limit other distractions, such as eating, fiddling with controls, or talking to passengers.
- Stick to the speed limit. Speeding is a factor in nearly 30% of fatal crashes involving teen drivers, according to AAA. Inexperienced drivers, in particular, should make sure they heed the speed limits, especially in construction work zones.
- Be aware of surroundings. With warmer temperatures comes an influx of activity to roads and sidewalks. Teens should be sure to watch for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Wear a seatbelt . The simple act of buckling up before embarking on a drive could save your teen’s life or help prevent injuries.
- Have a plan. Make sure your teen knows what to do if they’re involved in an accident or stopped by the police. Additionally, make sure they have current insurance identification in the car.