10 Common Motorcycle Crashes & How to Avoid Them

This time of year, motorcycles are everywhere. Do you long for the freedom that comes with riding on the open road? Then it's critical to respect your machine and improve your skills throughout your lifetime. If you're going to ride a motorcycle, it's important to commit to a lifetime of learning new skills and brushing up on the old ones!
Below are some tips for brand new and long-time riders to ensure they have the best riding experience:
- Choose a bike that fits you; "supersport" bikes have driver rates about four times higher than standard cruisers or bikes, according the the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
- New riders should take a motorcycle safety course, and experienced riders should take refresher courses after being off their bikes for a while
- Know the rules of the road
- Be aware that riding with a passenger requires considerably more skill
- Never drink and ride
- Drive defensively, especially at intersections, where half of all collisions occur
- Watch for hazards like potholes, manhole covers, oil slicks, puddles, debris, railroad tracks and gravel
- Assume you are invisible to other motorists and position yourself to be seen
- Use headlights day and night
- Be courteous; don't weave in and out of lanes, or ride on the shoulder or between lanes
- Don't speed
- Wear bright and/or reflective clothing that is durable and boots that cover the ankles
- Wear goggles, glasses or use a face shield that is ventilated to prevent fogging, and make sure it's clear if riding at night
- Ensure you have the proper motorcycle coverage. Talk to your local IMT Agent today!
Stay safe and enjoy your ride!