Fend Off Those Home Burglars

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that there are over 2 million burglaries per year in the United States Nearly two-thirds of these burglaries occur in residences. Approximately 30 percent of all burglaries happen through an open or unlocked window or door. A home burglary occurs every 13 seconds in America.
There are numerous things a home owner can do to reduce his or her chance of being a victim of this unfortunate crime, including the following.
- Keep your windows and doors locked, since burglars obviously prefer easy access.
- Install heavy-duty exterior doors.
- Safeguard doors with extra-long screws and high-quality door locks.
- Utilize a motion-sensing switch for your outdoor lights.
- Trim your shrubs and bushes so that windows and doors can easily be seen from the street.
- Ask for a crime assessment inspection of your home from your local police department. They are typically available free of charge.
- Keep your garage door closed, even when you are inside your residence.
- Utilize a property identification marking system for your valuable possessions.
- Store small valuables, such as rare coins and expensive jewelry (that you do not typically wear), in a safe deposit box at your bank.