Spring Break Safety

Spring break – The best part of the Spring Semester for many families and students. It can also be a potentially dangerous or stressful time for many travelers! The tips below can help aid you during your spring break travels:
- Make a game plan – If you are traveling with others, prior to leaving, ensure everyone in the party has the travel itinerary, a list of phone numbers, and a travel buddy!
- Travel Smart – If you’re driving, double check your car is in proper working order before hitting the road! Also remember to drive during times you’re sure to be awake and alert. If you’re flying, make sure to know your itinerary and check for delays prior to getting to the airport.
- Do Your Research – Prior to leaving, look up destination specific tips from other travelers. Think ahead to prearrange travel from the airport to your destination, plan our excursions beforehand! Make sure you know the emergency contacts in the area, as well as general knowledge about the location you’re going to.
- Pack Appropriately – Planning to lie on a beach? Don’t forget the sunscreen! Skiing sound like a more desirable spring break trip? Remember warm clothes! Check the weather prior to leaving to make sure you’re prepared!
- Be Aware and Responsible – Spring break may be a time to let loose and enjoy yourself, but be aware and responsible, especially if there’s alcohol involved! Never go out alone and always make sure someone knows where you’re at. If you are drinking, know the liquor laws of wherever you’re vacationing.
Keep yourself and your family safe during your spring break travels this year! Happy Travels!