Identity Theft Doesn't Discriminate


Think identity theft mostly happens to older people? Or to high-income earners? The truth is that identity thieves focus their efforts wherever the opportunities are, and there are plenty of opportunities across most age groups.

Identity theft complaints are on the rise! Tax- or wage-related fraud was the most common reported identity-related fraud, accounting for 45 percent of consumer complaints, followed by credit card fraud and phone or utilities fraud representing 16 and 10 percent of complaints, respectively.

Most Affected Groups

For our nation’s service members, identity theft remains the number one complaint, unfortunately. And while in past years consumers of all ages reported incidents of the crime at relatively similar rates, the numbers now paint a different picture. Consumers between the ages of 40 and 69 are reporting identity theft at higher rates, suggesting a growing awareness of this crime—and vulnerability.

Here’s a look at three groups identity thieves target and why.


More seniors are reporting identity theft. Consumers between the ages of 40-49 and 50-59 accounted for 15 percent and 24 percent of complaints, respectively, both up from the previous year. All-too-common scams include tax identity theft, medical identity theft and fraud committed by nursing home and long-term care staff

Military Personnel

Service members are reporting identity theft at a higher rate, and they’re experiencing more familiar fraud and new-account fraud than most populations, according to the Identity Fraud Report from Javelin Strategy & Research. The military has used personally identifying information (PII), such as Social Security numbers, as general identifiers for personnel, which increases theft risks. Moreover, deployed military personnel who do not place an active duty alert on their credit files are easy targets for friends or family members.

College Students

Identity theft complaints among college-age students may have dropped slightly, but this group is four times more likely to have their identity stolen through familiar fraud than other populations, according to an Identity Fraud Study by Javelin Strategy & Research. Much of the issue is likely due to awareness of behaviors that may put them at risk, as well as limited understanding of the costs and challenges of identity theft. For example, students are often very aware of computer security, but they share personal information widely and may not understand the importance of locking away or shredding important documents and IDs, and regularly checking their credit reports.

Policyholders who suspect they are victims of fraud should contact their local IMT Agent to find out how they can work with a fraud specialist to help manage and protect their identity.


Copyright 2025 Cyber Scout

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What To Do After You’Ve Been Hacked

Identity thieves and cyber criminals focus their efforts wherever the opportunities are, and there are plenty of opportunities across all ages and businesses. As new technology releases and cloud-based services continue to grow, hackers have more doors to open to access data. So if you have experienced identity theft or been exposed to a hacking attack, we share a few next steps to take.

Take Immediate Action

Call Your Financial Institutions

If you suspect your data is compromised or notice suspicious activity, do not wait. Using the customer service contact information found on your cards, call your bank and/or credit card company to make sure your account information is protected. They can help you with the appropriate next steps to make sure your financial information is secure. Ask your bank about how to regularly check your credit report (or how to put a freeze on your credit) to watch for future activity that could negatively impact you. 

Change Your Passwords

A hacker could be gathering data, including your passwords, which can be sold or shared elsewhere. Change your passwords to make this information defunct should it fall into the hands of someone trying to login under your profile. This is why it is important to use different passwords on different websites, so your risk spread isn’t so large. 

Related: Top 5 Safety Basics to Know When Using the Internet

Reach Out for Help

Depending on the nature of the incident, you may need to get law enforcement or other legal professionals involved. Contact your local IMT Agent to find out how to can work with a fraud specialist. 

Build Your Protection for the Future

The average enterprise cyber claim costs well over a half-million dollars. Additional insurance policies to protect individuals from the fallout of a cyber incident are growing in popularity, especially for higher net-work individuals. For businesses, the coverage in a commercial general liability policy might not extend to what you need. Standalone cyber policies could be a smart enhancement. IMT Insurance offers Cyber Suite, additional business insurance coverage to help protect digital risks. Learn more and talk to your IMT Agent to see if this is right for you. 


Steps To Take After Natural Disaster & Severe Weather Hits

When severe weather strikes, the extraordinary powers of destruction leave survivors struggling to return to normal. And for some, the idea of normal will never be the same. Following a natural disaster, there is tremendous stress and areas of vulnerability. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin. As you consider your plan to rebuild, we have some considerations to help: 

Contact Your Insurance Agent

Your Insurance agent can help guide you and advise you to submit a claim with your insurance provider. Your agent can also help you get connected quickly to an adjuster, who may be able to advance a certain amount of money to help you get back on your feet and purchase things like clothing and toiletries. This advance amount will count as part of your total personal property settlement and is not part of additional living expenses coverage, which pays for temporary housing, food and additional travel you incur as a result of not living in your residence.

Protect Your Sensitive Data

Ask the U.S. Postal Service to hold mail until you’re settled. Consider getting a post office box to keep thieves away from sensitive materials left in your mailbox. Protect important information and documents. Whether you’re in a shelter, staying with friends, or crashing on your family’s couch, never let these items leave your sight. They are the key to your identity—and you will need this information to prove who you are. If you discover that you are missing any identification, financial instruments, or any item that can be used to commit fraud or harm your identity do not hesitate to report it. The longer you wait, the more damage that can be done by criminals and identity thieves.

Beware of Contractor Fraud

If you’ve experienced damage to any of your personal property, call your insurance company first. Don’t fall for fly-by-night “professionals” who make false guarantees about a claims check, damage appraisal, inspection or water quality testing.

Double Check Sources

Watch out for fake charitable organizations that have names similar to reputable institutions. These sites often end in .com (instead of the typical .org for nonprofits). They’re designed to fool you into thinking you’re donating to a good cause when, in reality, you’re donating your money and personal and financial information to thieves. Double check the legitimacy of the site you’re clicking to from your email, Facebook or elsewhere. When in doubt, check your local American Red Cross or the National FEMA site to find local help.


Oh, Deer! What Drivers Should Know About Animal Collisions

Weather shifts and changing seasons introduces new factors for drivers to consider. Earlier sunsets mean less visible roads and, depending on where you live, a change in weather could result in more rain or snow.  Fall also signifies the seasonal migration of animals, particularly deer, throughout large parts of the country.

Many roads have signs indicating that deer crossings can be expected. But what should you do when a deer collision happens while driving? 

Because deer collisions are estimated to cause more than $1.1 billion in vehicle damages annually, drivers should prepare. While our inclination might be to stop short or swerve should there be a deer on the road, this is more likely to cause bad outcomes. You could lose control of the car, hit barriers, run into other cars or cause rollovers. Experts instead say to hit the deer directly to minimize potential damage to you and your vehicle. 

If you do hit a deer or other animal while driving, pull over to the side of the road when it is safe to do so. If needed, call for emergency assistance. Take photos (and videos if possible) of the collision site and any vehicle damage so you have record. Taking notes of what happened as soon as possible will also be helpful. 


Contact your local IMT Insurance Agent. Drive safe and keep an eye out for deer!


What To Know Before Hosting A Party

Whether it’s holiday gatherings, graduation open houses, or wedding celebrations, if you are considering hosting a party on your property there are some important insurance-related things to know. 

Special Event Coverage

If you are hosting an event at your home, it is good to check premises and personal liability coverage. For IMT policyholders, Wadena Homeowners policies typically include this coverage subject to stated exclusions. Our Wadena Homeowners policy would automatically extend liability to the reception venue for the day of the event. Many event venues’ contracts require an insured to provide proof of liability insurance to host an event with them. Work with your agent to obtain a Certificate of Liability highlighting your policy limits. Should the venue require a liability limit greater than what the policy carries, Wadena Homeowners also offers Scheduled Event Coverage. With this form and additional premium, you can have a higher limit for an event.

Protecting Your Property

With the addition of guests, there is an increased risk of theft. Ensure that high-end art, jewelry, heirlooms or any collections are properly insured for theft and accidents. Lock away personal valuables when traffic is higher in and out of the home. For example, before and after a party, they may have caterers and other vendors in their home setting up or cleaning. All valuables should be kept out of sight.

Protect yourself digitally, too. If you are going to offer guests the option to connect to WiFi, make sure this is a different network than what you use personally. Consider changing the password to connect following your event to also minimize risk.

Ensure Post-Event Safety

If the party includes alcohol, make sure there’s proper insurance coverage to reduce liquor liability. According to the Insurance Information Institute, homeowners can be held legally responsible for guests’ actions after they leave the party. Consider hiring a bartender who is trained to identify intoxicated guests. Arrange for cabs or an Uber for guests who should not be driving.

Talk to your local IMT Agent about your policy and coverage options today!