What To Know Before Hosting a Party

Whether it’s holiday gatherings, graduation open houses, or wedding celebrations, if you are considering hosting a party on your property there are some important insurance-related things to know.
Special Event Coverage
If you are hosting an event at your home, it is good to check premises and personal liability coverage. For IMT policyholders, Wadena Homeowners policies typically include this coverage subject to stated exclusions. Our Wadena Homeowners policy would automatically extend liability to the reception venue for the day of the event. Many event venues’ contracts require an insured to provide proof of liability insurance to host an event with them. Work with your agent to obtain a Certificate of Liability highlighting your policy limits. Should the venue require a liability limit greater than what the policy carries, Wadena Homeowners also offers Scheduled Event Coverage. With this form and additional premium, you can have a higher limit for an event.
Protecting Your Property
With the addition of guests, there is an increased risk of theft. Ensure that high-end art, jewelry, heirlooms or any collections are properly insured for theft and accidents. Lock away personal valuables when traffic is higher in and out of the home. For example, before and after a party, they may have caterers and other vendors in their home setting up or cleaning. All valuables should be kept out of sight.
Protect yourself digitally, too. If you are going to offer guests the option to connect to WiFi, make sure this is a different network than what you use personally. Consider changing the password to connect following your event to also minimize risk.
Ensure Post-Event Safety
If the party includes alcohol, make sure there’s proper insurance coverage to reduce liquor liability. According to the Insurance Information Institute, homeowners can be held legally responsible for guests’ actions after they leave the party. Consider hiring a bartender who is trained to identify intoxicated guests. Arrange for cabs or an Uber for guests who should not be driving.
Talk to your local IMT Agent about your policy and coverage options today!