Prepare Your Home or Business for Flood Season

As with any natural disaster, the keys to protecting yourself, your property and your business are through proper preparation and appropriate response measures.
For homeowners and business owners alike, developing a proper evacuation plan and building an emergency care kit are two critical safety steps in preparing for flooding and other extreme weather events. Map out evacuation routes that acknowledge roads or areas that may become unpassable in the event of a flood. When building your emergency care kit, include clean water and a water purifier, non-perishable food, a battery-powered radio, flashlights, toiletries, extra batteries and cell phone chargers.
Additionally, home and business owners should educate their families and employees on the risks associated with flooding and their area’s direct risks. Flood waters can quickly become hazardous with contaminants and could even be electrically charged from power lines.
For businesses, flood and other severe weather events pose substantial financial risks, as the return to normal business operations could be postponed weeks or months following a flood event. Recovery can prove very difficult if businesses and owners are not properly prepared. Reach out to your local IMT Agent today to ensure that you have the proper insurance in place. This includes insurance for your physical location and documents essential to your business operations.
Get ahead of the spring weather and be prepared this year!