12 Tips to Ensure Motorcycle Safety

May is Motorcycle Safety Month! Whether you’re a seasoned biker or just getting started, the best way to enjoy your motorcycle is to enjoy it safely. Below are a few tips to ensure you are making the most out of your motorcycle ride:
- Choose a bike that fits you
- Bike size, ride, and fit, depending on what you are doing, is very important
- New riders should take a motorcycle safety course, and experienced riders should take a refresher course if they’ve been off their bikes a while
- Know the rules of the road
- Be aware that riding with a passenger requires considerably more skill
- Wear a full coverage helmet
- Many states don’t require helmets, but a helmet could be the most important piece of equipment a biker could use. Never buy a used helmet, and look for the DOT sticker, which guarantees the helmet meets safety standards required by law
- Never drink and Ride
- This is just as important on a motorcycle as those operating motor vehicles! In 2016, 26% of motorcycle fatalities were alcohol-impaired
- Dive defensively
- Half of all motorcycle collisions occur in intersections
- Watch for hazards like potholes, manhole covers, oil slicks, gravel, and debris
- Assume you are invisible to other motorists and position yourself to be seen
- Use headlights day and night
- This will increase your visibility
- Wear bright and/or reflective clothing that is durable, and boots that cover your ankles
- Make sure weather is clear when you’re riding at night
Talk to your local IMT Agent to get the right coverage for your motorcycle! Ride safe this summer!