Merger of IMT Mutual Holding Company and Eden Mutual

Effective April 1, 2024, a merger between Vinton, Iowa-based Eden Mutual Insurance Association (Eden Mutual) and IMT was realized. As a subsidiary of IMT Mutual Holding Company, Eden becomes Eden Insurance Company. IMT is a strong supporter of the Farm Mutual system and is proud to partner with multiple Farm Mutuals across writing states.
IMT’s partnership with the Farm Mutual system began in 1955. Through the years, IMT has benefitted from the partnership with Farm Mutuals and our affiliated agents in writing farm and personal liability policies and the attached lines of business associated with farm accounts. The changing landscape in the rural marketplace, coupled with IMT’s commitment to remain financially strong and profitable for the long-term, led to circumstances where a merger with Eden was an opportunity for both organizations.
“We’re thrilled to welcome Eden Mutual to the IMT Mutual Holding Company team. IMT is committed to the Farm Mutual industry, and we are confident our partnership and shared Iowa history makes this a good fit,” stated Sean Kennedy, IMT President and CEO.
The Eden Insurance Company office remains in Vinton, Iowa with IMT (headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa) providing strategic support and oversight.
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