Be Worry Free

A look at the refreshed, modern and simplified IMT Insurance brand.

We recognize it is important to strengthen and align our brand as our company grows and evolves and believe that our updated look signifies a commitment to our future, while sticking true to our IMT roots.

IMT Brand Video
The IMT Story

IMT Brand Video

The IMT Story

How IMT Came to Be Worry Free

What does it mean to Be Worry Free?

The ability to live confidently, in times both good and bad? Knowing someone will be there for support when you need it? Someone who’s ready to go the extra mile to help you get back on track? Or is it simply keeping faith that in the end everything will be okay?

To some, the phrase “Be Worry Free” is just words. A catchy slogan. However, it means something very powerful to all of us who dedicate our professional lives to the IMT Way.

Thanks to one trusting farmer’s strong belief in people and desire to help others, we’ve worked to keep people Worry Free since we were founded in 1884. In the beginning, it was The Iowa Mutual Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm Insurance Association. In 1903, the decision was made to refine our name to Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance Association and again in 1970 to IMT Insurance Company.

Today, we proudly call ourselves IMT Insurance. Our distinctive red diamond logo is a steadfast symbol of integrity, compassion and resolve.

Of course, these are only names and symbols, neither of which can truly represent a company in its most essential form. Names and symbols can’t capture the unbridled spirit of our people – the employees and Independent Agents who endeavor every day to provide worry-free financial security for our customers throughout the Midwest.

Our people and agents are your neighbors, our children attend the same schools, and together we shape the values of our communities. We believe integrity, honesty and reliability are the foundation of character. We know lasting relationships are forged through effective connections, availability and honest values. We see that our commitment to providing exceptional products and services, and always being there for our Agents and policyholders, can truly make a difference.

These are the principles by which we live and work. That’s how we have truly come to Be Worry Free.


We want to reenergize the IMT brand by establishing consistency across the company with a more simplified and cohesive brand. A variation of the current diamond logo has been in place since the late 1950s. And with recent company growth and some big changes ahead, now is the perfect time to do so! We feel the updated logo signifies a commitment to our future, while sticking true to our IMT roots. You’ll begin to notice the new look and feel across all channels including our website, mobile app, My Policy+ and any official policy documents you receive.

No, IMT Insurance and Wadena Insurance policies and coverages are not affected whatsoever by this change.

Nothing! While the Wadena name remains, the logo is going away. The company and rating structure will remain. All current Wadena Insurance Company policies will fall under the IMT Insurance brand, but still be underwritten by Wadena Insurance Company.